About Me
Lara Taylor
I attended La Trobe University in Bendigo Victoria. I graduated in 2000 with a bachelorof business.I am a member of CPA - Certified Practicing Accountants of AustraliaI am an accredited SMSF Specialist Advisor ™ with the SMSF AssociationI have a diploma in financial planning (RG146)I am a registered tax agentAnd I am an ASIC approved SMSF auditor
Self managed superannuation is my passion, I really enjoy working in this areaof accounting.I have worked in accounting firms in Victoria, Queensland and New South Wales and through this experience I have gained knowledge of different software, clients and processes.My goal is to provide a good quality service and help educate my clients, so they can make informed decisions for themselves.
Self managed superannuation is my passion, I really enjoy working in this areaof accounting.I have worked in accounting firms in Victoria, Queensland and New South Wales and through this experience I have gained knowledge of different software, clients and processes.My goal is to provide a good quality service and help educate my clients, so they can make informed decisions for themselves.
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